Co-published with Cross-Cultural Communications, New York. Literary Non-fiction. Memoir.
In April 2008, Welsh poet Peter Thabit Jones and Aeronwy Thomas, the daughter of Dylan Thomas, crossed America, from New York to California on the Dylan Thomas Tribute Tour of America. The tour was organized by Stanley H. Barkan, their American publisher and a poet, in conjunction with Vince Clemente, American poet and critic. As a result of one of their events in Manhattan, Catrin Brace of the Welsh Government in New York commissioned them to write the first-ever Dylan Thomas Walking Tour of Greenwich Village, New York, which is now available as a tourist pocket-book, a guided tour via New York Fun Tours, and a Dylan Thomas Centenary (2014) smartphone version. This book, in memory of Aeronwy who died in July 2009, is a memento celebrating the tenth anniversary of the poetry reading tour that saw her and Peter following in some of the American footsteps of her famous father.